Monday, March 7, 2011

Operation: Surprise Bitch!

Brendan left Afghanistan. Finally. We were told he would fly to Germany then Dover Air Force Base then San Diego. As Dover is close by (well, closer than San Diego), I figured my family could meander up there and pounce on Uncle Brendan as he came off his plane. Instead Brendan emailed us and said that they would only be refueling at Dover, he wasn't even allowed off the plane, they would be on the ground for 11 minutes and just maybe it would be hard for us to get on to a military facility.

In my speech at Brendan's wedding, I toasted the fact that he is made up of the best qualities of our wonderful parents....while I am all the crap that is left over (have you ever seen "Twins"? I'm Danny DeVito). However, I have a touch of our parents' finer attributes mixed in with a little Brie-zhush. For example - did you just say I couldn't get on to a military base with 3 children who may or may not have tiger blood in them? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! Oh, it wasn't a challenge? I don't give a shit! Cue me pulling up Dover Air Force Base on Google and guess what? They publicly list all of their phone numbers. I spent a large portion of Friday & Saturday calling anyone who would listen to my tale of woe ("he's coming back from AFGHANISTAN! He is Naval BOMB SQUAD! He didn't have leg hair until he was TWENTY TWO! Please help me see my brother!") and finding every detail I could about how to get on that damn base.
This is the basic formula of my triumph - Mom's ability to talk to anyone & everyone in the world and relay my wishes sincerely + Dad's patient, fact-based business-like approach to all obstacles + my own two cents (also known as my boobs) = Entry to Dover Air Force Base. HEL-LO.

I was told we could hang in the Passenger Terminal and Brendan & his team would have to go through Customs after landing at 4pm. This would put them outside at 4:30. I was calm and kept repeating this mantra: IwillnotcryandIwillnotscream. IwillnotcryandIwillnotscream.

Suddenly - and 22 minutes ahead of schedule - a smoky windowed door opened. And out walked Brendan.

I literally could not breathe. He looked at me, made eye contact AND THEN THAT ASSHOLE LOOKED AWAY. HE HAD NO IDEA WHO I WAS. So guess what I did? I screamed. I screamed so loudly and launched myself at him out of disbelief that he was actually home, rage that he did not IMMEDIATELY know who I was and just plain 'ol weepy big sister happiness. To my credit, I think I should go to war because apparently me hurling myself at a professionally trained individual who can bench press trees, disarm ticking explosives and kill you 19 ways with a spork is scary as shit. Brendan's face went white and got this HOLYSONOFABITCHHELLBEAST look. Once he realized who I was and felt my children clambering up his leg he was shocked and surprised.....which is almost unheard of in Brendan. He kept saying, "Brie? BRIE? ARE YOU HERE? ARE YOU HERE IN DELAWARE? Dylan? Sawyer? Logan? WHAT IS HAPPENING? Nonono, Sawyer, no horsey rides now.....IS THIS REAL?!"

It was one of the best moments of my life.

My kids did not keep their affections confined just to Brendan. They mounted his teammates and offered up hugs, kisses, high fives, nut kicks, demands for piggyback rides and a lot of screaming (thank you for enduring, Sam & Chase). Lo took a shine to Brendan's Chief and chose him, and him alone, to hug for roughly 5 minutes straight with her head on his shoulder. And trust - that was just about the sweetest damn thing. Nothing like seeing the man who safely brought his whole team home get a big cuddle from our curly haired crazy. Thanks, Chief.

We managed to grab Brendan and his friend Matt and take them out to dinner. Brendan had 2 beers, became drunk as shit and could not stop hugging everyone. Matt, on the other hand, is an actual man who held his alcohol and relayed some fun stories of their travels such as discovering Brendan crying in his bed multiple times while watching videos of.......Mohawk, his dog.

Dropping Matt & Brendan back at the barracks was bittersweet. It was so nice to hug Brendan oruselves and see that he was OK. It was fantastic to meet some of the guys who worked just as hard as he did over there. Today, they are homebound to their wives, and I can only imagine their excitement. We'll see Brendan & Amy in April when they come back to VA to tear it up for a special wedding. Until then, Homis.

My absolute favorite part of this entire adventure - during dinner Matt asked me "so how much older is Brendan than you?" Score. Thank you, Oil of Olay Regenerist system.

An added bonus, I received this text from Bryn as we drove home last night - "I can't thank you enough for coming all the way here for me. I will never forget the surprise of seeing you all for the rest of my life."

Awwwwww. GOOD. Because we got ice & snow on the way home and Lo had gas, so I'm not buying you a Christmas gift for the next five years. Welcome home, dummy.


Ryan Scott

what an AWESOME story! So glad he made it back safe & sound and you guys didn't get arrested at the air force base

Julie Niehaus

boobs will get you anything you's a Schmutte thing! You are a kind and generous sister Brie.


So glad he is home safe! That was an awesome story. Glad you and the kids were able to see him.