Sunday, August 9, 2009

Our Weekend Schedule

This week, Logan Grace turns 6 months old. Time is flying. We are so proud of our gorgeous, babbling, eating-baby-food, sleeping-through-the-night girl. She makes our family complete.
These two....Christ. I set up a soccer goal in our yard. "Go play soccer!" I say. They do...for 5 minutes. Then they turn the goal into a dog kennel. Sawyer is the dog. Dylan is the dog catcher, and he tells Sawyer that he has to be a good dog and eat my hastas. Sawyer complies. Sonofa.....
Meanwhile, inside the house - all is right with the world for Miss Pretty Pants. She sports a snazzy dress and even accessorizes well with a flashy headband.
Outside....Dumb & Dumber strip down to their underpants, run through the sprinkler and ride their bike & scooter.
Yes, we get stares from the neighbors. Yes, we own bathing suits. Yes, there was public urination on my trees. And yes, I classed it up real hard by watching them do all this while drinking beer in my driveway.
We did, however, enjoy special weekend outings - happy birthday to Mr. Jose - our wonderful, talented and now hip-replacement-bound friend. Thank you for inviting us to your party! We also trekked over to the Gilmore's to feast on hot dogs & cupcakes. Happy 4th birthday, Liam!