Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sawyer is 3

Happy birthday to a very special little boy who surprised us all with his easy and fast arrival 3 years ago today. You made Mama and Dada better, happier parents, educated us about acid reflux and have turned into quite the entertainer. Nothing makes Mama happier than hearing you shriek with laughter (unless I have hangover) and your sassy attitude assures us all whose DNA you favor. We are blessed to have such a healthy, charming and silly boy. Happy 3rd birthday, Sawyer Daniel!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hooliganville...and I'm the Mayor

It has to be said - New Kids on the Block are eff'g amazing. Don't knock it 'til you Block it. We saw them for the third time, and I wept with an unknown happiness....or it could've been the 11 beers I had. It must be noted that I had not drank since May 2008 so those beers, uh, hit me a little hard.

Do you see the picture of Jon? THAT IS HOW CLOSE WE WERE. We were so close, I could see the sweat of their foreheads and hear Jordan's unmentionables retract when he hit those high notes. Unbelieveable.What? I have kids? Oh yeah - they're neat, too. Logan has really been growing and is a dreamsicle. Her brothers agree as well. Her father - well, he's obsessed with her. I'm pretty confident that I could be on fire and, as long as it wasn't bothering Logan, Pat wouldn't notice.
I don't know what's scarier - that Lo is so tiny compared to the Satellite Noggin Club or the fact that Sawyer is gaining on Dylan in height & weight.
Today, Logan is officially 6 weeks old. Time is flying.........

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Daily Grind

Logan and Sawyer are enjoying chillaxin' with Mama at home. Our daily routine consists of Mama sucking down buckets of coffee while Sawyer sings the "Handy Manny" theme song at the top of his lungs and Logan shows off her ability to be hormonal teenager even at 5 weeks of age.
Mama gave up swearing for Lent and so far, so good (kind of). However, the Language Police resides at the house and Sawyer has taken it upon himself to correct Mama every time she says "stupid" which - let's face it - is a lot....(look at what I have to deal with).
Tonight is a special night for Mama as she is getting to enjoy her "push present" - seeing New Kids on the Block with her friends for the THIRD time! Go ahead, judge....but when Jonathan (my fave and the alleged gay one) clumsily dances across the stage while trying to be as deeply herterosexual as he can, well - your heart would melt, too.

Friday, March 6, 2009

TGIF....Where's My Moonshine?

What can you say about this picture besides "well look at those hillbilly ass children"? Today is Hat Day at Dylan's school and he chose an ATF hat while Sawyer, who insisted that it was also Hat Day at Carla's (it is not) is sporting a NASCAR hat. Guns and race cars....where's the trailer park? While her brothers are obviously bound for the Blue Collar Comedy Tour, Miss Logan continues to be a 'Not Real Baby' as we call her. Rarely does she fuss, she is a wonderful sleeper and loves watching Home Shopping Network with Mama. What a gem!
The only bad thing about having 3 kids? It is hard to get everyone to look at the camera at the same time. I'm sure we'll accomplish that feat....sometime around 2015.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Dazed & Confused

Having 3 kids is a lot of work especially when Meemaw isn't here to make daily Costco runs for dinner and Bucket is not cleaning your bathroom. We are adjusting....kind of.

Sawyer & Dylan are proving to be great big brothers - attentive (to the point of smothering), sharing toys (to the point of possible wounding) and generous with kisses (again - smothering, literally).
Logan is a great baby - sweet, soft and a fantastic sleeper. Mama is thrilled! We admit we were terrified of Sawyer Part 2 - vomiting in our hair, screaming like a demon and never sleeping (damn acid reflux). She is the exact opposite...but will surely act like that around age 14.