Logan and Sawyer are enjoying chillaxin' with Mama at home. Our daily routine consists of Mama sucking down buckets of coffee while Sawyer sings the "Handy Manny" theme song at the top of his lungs and Logan shows off her ability to be hormonal teenager even at 5 weeks of age.
Mama gave up swearing for Lent and so far, so good (kind of). However, the Language Police resides at the house and Sawyer has taken it upon himself to correct Mama every time she says "stupid" which - let's face it - is a lot....(look at what I have to deal with). Tonight is a special night for Mama as she is getting to enjoy her "push present" - seeing New Kids on the Block with her friends for the THIRD time! Go ahead, judge....but when Jonathan (my fave and the alleged gay one) clumsily dances across the stage while trying to be as deeply herterosexual as he can, well - your heart would melt, too.
Pat & Brie Plus 3 is brought to you by the Jenkins family.
We are made up of 1 Hard Working Dada, 1 Busy, Ever Eating Mama who stalks NKOTB, 1 Big Saint, 1 Wackadoodle Preschooler, 1 Gorgeous, Snaggle-Toothed Little Girl and two large headed Labradors aka The Schibbies.
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