Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hooliganville...and I'm the Mayor

It has to be said - New Kids on the Block are eff'g amazing. Don't knock it 'til you Block it. We saw them for the third time, and I wept with an unknown happiness....or it could've been the 11 beers I had. It must be noted that I had not drank since May 2008 so those beers, uh, hit me a little hard.

Do you see the picture of Jon? THAT IS HOW CLOSE WE WERE. We were so close, I could see the sweat of their foreheads and hear Jordan's unmentionables retract when he hit those high notes. Unbelieveable.What? I have kids? Oh yeah - they're neat, too. Logan has really been growing and is a dreamsicle. Her brothers agree as well. Her father - well, he's obsessed with her. I'm pretty confident that I could be on fire and, as long as it wasn't bothering Logan, Pat wouldn't notice.
I don't know what's scarier - that Lo is so tiny compared to the Satellite Noggin Club or the fact that Sawyer is gaining on Dylan in height & weight.
Today, Logan is officially 6 weeks old. Time is flying.........