Friday, February 11, 2011

CNN Wants To Get It On

Perusing CNN….reading all about Egypt's main dude peacing out, blah, blah. Find an article entitled "How To Have Great Valentine's Day Sex" which is, of course, written by a man and all about how he is NOT going to take NO for an answer regarding sex on VDay.

Here's a direct quote - "this year there will be no extravagant dinner, no flimsy lingerie that will never get worn, no expensive jewelry bought at the last minute—and no possibility of not having sex."

Sounds sexy...and reads mildly like something from the diary of a rapist.

Read it here -

His 10 step plan includes sexy dreams, a 30 second hug and going to CVS. A drug store? I'm hot already, do me!

Another fave quote - "If we speak during the day, I’ll make an effort to stay positive." As opposed to how you usually sound? On Valentine's Day I will be upbeat. Every other day, I will speak to you like a filthy indentured chambermaid.

I went to CVS, whore!

Anyway, that's not the best part….at the end of the article, CNN always suggests "Related Articles". After reading the above, you'd think more articles on sex or holidays or couples. Nope.

It read "What Does A Floating Stool Mean?"

I love you, CNN.