Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shoveling BS

Shoveling the deck last night because while I can tolerate snow, I can not tolerate the dogs pissing on my deck.

Pat, warm inside the house and standing in the doorway, keeps offering 'helpful' comments on my shoveling progress.

Pat: You think this is 9 inches? It really looks like 9 inches. I'm going to say 9 inches.

Brie: It's not 9 inches. I've seen 9 inches.

Pat : (indignant & screaming) OH REALLY?! And just WHERE have you seen NINE INCHES?

Can you tell he is no longer talking about snow?


Pat: (contrite) Oh. Sorry.

Begins closing door....

Brie: (whispering) In Massachusetts.......on a black dude.

Back door closes & lock clicks. He heard me.