Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Always Listening, Folks - The Wednesday Email

For those unfamiliar with the Wednesday Email - these are actual emails I send to my colleagues each & every Wednesday in an attempt to get them to send me project information. Polite, perfunctory requests did not work but getting them to laugh always guarantees a reply.

Gang - welcome to 2011! It's a whole new year and a fresh start for all. That doesn't mean I will forget some of the best moments of 2010 I've had here. Below is a list of my favorite conversations and/or quotes that were actually said during the year.

"I cannot be expected to remember what I did last month."
Of course not, how silly of me. Why don't you go take a nap? You've earned it.

"You know what I learned today? You are Brigid AND Brie! You're ONE PERSON NOT TWO!
Can I get paid like I am two people?

"That's not my job." - August 2010
"That's not my job." - November 2010
"That's not my job." - December 2010
This, by the way, has become my favorite drinking game.

"I can't come to this meeting - THE VISIGOTHS ARE DOWNSTAIRS!"
This may or may not have been said by me.

Person: I'm looking for Asheesh.
Brie: I'm going to need a bit more information than that.
Person: He's Indian.
Brie: Okkkkkk, I meant his last name or department but let's see what the address book can help us with.
Whoa! Look at all those Asheeshs!
Person: Which one of them in Indian?
Brie: Wow.

Brie: Good morning, I'm going to need you to review and approv -
Person: Approved.
Brie: You haven't even looked at the docu -
Person: Approved.
Brie: You don't even know what I'm going to -
Person: Fine. Good. Done. Approved.

"I'm so sorry I have to cancel this meeting last minute. I'm incontinent."
Spellcheck wins again….at least, I hope so.

"It's snowing. Can you bring my laptop to my house?"
Note: NO ONE brought the laptop to the house. We've all seen episodes of 'Law & Order: SVU' start like that.