Monday, January 31, 2011

We Are All Under One Sky

My dad recently heard from Brendan in Afghanistan. We were all really happy to hear he was doing well and, Bryn shared the latest happenings for his team including moving bases, building shit and other crap that I don't care much to hear about. I just want to know he is safe. And he is. Sometimes. The below story is what he just relayed to Dad about something that happened one night:

Brendan had been asleep for about 45 minutes when a call came in that a drone (aka "eye in the sky") saw some fuckers digging a hole out in the wild. Spoiler alert: they were not making a garden. Brendan, his team and some Army fellas head out to stop these crazy Taliban shenanigans. The infantry ends up engaging the gardners in a gun fight (because gardners always have guns, right?). 1 fucker gets to go see Allah early, 1 is on his way and 1 runs like the bitch that he is. The guys request assistance from the eye in the sky to help locate Man #3, and I believe the conversation went something like this:

On the ground: Where is he? Can you locate him?
Eye in the Sky: He is down on the ground behind a wall in the northeast area of your location. Subject is down and dead. Go recover.
Ground: Affirmative (enter walled in area…….GUNSHOTS)
Eye in the Sky: Our bad. He was laying down. Repeat: our bad.
(10 minutes pass)
Eye in the Sky: Subject is deceased now. Go recover. Subject is deceased.
Ground: FUCK YOU! You said he was dead last time and that fucker opened fire on us!
Eye in the Sky: Subject IS REALLY DEAD. We promise this time.
Ground: How can you tell?
Eye in the Sky: A dog is eating him.
Ground: SUH-NAP! OK then!

I also sent Brendan an email detailing a sweet moment with Sawyer one morning. We leave our house early so the moon is usually big & beautiful in the sky.

Sawyer: Oh Mama, look at that big Afghanistan moon!
Me: Well that's called a full moon, buddy. Why do you call it an Afghanistan moon?
Sawyer: Because Uncle Brendan sees the same moon in Afghanistan. I hope that big Afghanistan moon tells him I miss him so much!

Is there anything more innocent & amazing than that, for the love of God?! I wiped tears out of my eyes and reached back and hugged my sweet little boy with the good heart. I, of course, sent the conversation to Brendan ending it with "we miss you each & every day."

Here is Brendan's response: "Dear Sawyer, If the moon is out where you are, it is not out where I am. Could you pick up a fucking science book in between bouts of eating like a bottomless pit & falling down the stairs? Holy shit, I thought I'd come home & you would be smarter. Should I stay another 6 months?"
This was Sawyer's face after I told him that Uncle Brendan had emailed me and said to tell him thank you for Sawyer's nice moon comment and Uncle Brendan missed him so, so much!

Sawyer's response: Uncle Brendan is on THE MOON WITH THE MAILMAN?


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Shoveling BS

Shoveling the deck last night because while I can tolerate snow, I can not tolerate the dogs pissing on my deck.

Pat, warm inside the house and standing in the doorway, keeps offering 'helpful' comments on my shoveling progress.

Pat: You think this is 9 inches? It really looks like 9 inches. I'm going to say 9 inches.

Brie: It's not 9 inches. I've seen 9 inches.

Pat : (indignant & screaming) OH REALLY?! And just WHERE have you seen NINE INCHES?

Can you tell he is no longer talking about snow?


Pat: (contrite) Oh. Sorry.

Begins closing door....

Brie: (whispering) In Massachusetts.......on a black dude.

Back door closes & lock clicks. He heard me.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Enemy Inside the House

I miss my brother. This is not a surprise. It's hard to know someone you love is not only far away but in kindddddddd of a bad area and thrives on disarming weapons that are meant to kill people. Yeah, I don't sleep well a lot of the time. What amazes me, however, is just how much I worry & think about Brendan considering he has been a self centered asshole most of my life and his hobbies when we were younger consisted of He-Man, lacrosse and narcing on me. Some of the most heinous offenses were the ones that centered around him lying his face off to our parents….but telling me the truth. So there I'd be sputtering, "he's lying! HE IS LYING TO YOU!" and Mom & Dad would shake their heads and conjure up an image of their blond haired, blue eyed Aryan poster child and say "oh Brigid, you're just jealous." WELL YES I AM.

Here are my Top 4 Moments of Brendan Assholehood:
4. My parents didn't trust me a lot growing up. I mean, they would give me "opportunities for character building" and I would saaaaaay, invite 6 friends over, drink my father's Windsor and let our dog Lamar have beer then lock myself out of the house.....twice.... in 7 hours. Oopsie. It didn't really come as a surprise then when my parents needed to go look at houses in Masschusetts and I was told I was going with them.....while Brendan, 16 at the time, stayed at home. W....T....F? We land, look at 18 houses and around dinnertime call Brendan. Brendan relays that he does not feel well. Mom immediately is in Doctor Mode - "oh no, do you have a fever? Check it now. Are you doing it rectally? It's 103? OH BRENDAN! You're VOMITING? OH BRENDAN! You have pain in your chest and your fallopian tubes? OH BRENDAN!" Diagnosis: Brendan is sick. I am suspicious. I ask to speak to my ill, bedridden brother. This is what he says, "holy shit, I'm not sick. Are you fucking stupid? Kevin, Matt and I drank everything in the liquor cabinet. Did you know cooking sherry has alcohol in it? I am so hungover, I threw up off the deck. People are coming over tonight. Gotta go, bitch."

3. My wedding was a special day. Special for all the right reasons - it was lovely, romantic & organized in 6 weeks by my mother. It was also special because I was, for once, the only sober person in an 18 mile radius of our afterparty held at my parents' home complete with 3 grills going and a giant ass bonfire. The best part? Drunk Ass Brendan who kept telling everyone to "lick my balls" for no apparent reason. Many conversations with him that night went like this -

AUNT: Hey Bryn, can you grab me another beer?
Brendan: Only if you LICK MY BALLS.
Me: Brendan, please don't tell Aunt Kathy to lick your balls.

On & on & on this went. EVERYONE heard him saying this. However, the next morning when I told my mother that the best part (not) of my wedding day was having my brother ask every, single guest to perform oral sex on him, her response was "don't be ridiculous, Brigid. Did you do that, Brendan?" Brendan shook his head no and gave me this 'how could you say that?' look. "See Brigid, don't say horrible things about your brother. But what can I expect from someone who couldn't even wear white on her wedding day?"

2. One day, my mom pulled out a shoebox and said softly "oh wow, look at these." Her reverence and gentleness led me to believe something sacred was in the box and I walked over. It was sacred all right. A sacred violation of sibling trust and a testament to the pure shittiness that was my brother's narcing soul. In the box were tons - nay, THOUSANDS - of little notes written in Brendan's Unabomber scratch. "Dear Mommy, Buffy did not eat the 7 chocolate chip cookies. Brigid did. She is a liar. I love you, Brendan"....."Mommy, Brigid put a stick in my bike wheel and I fell over. I didn't hit a curb like she said. I'm a good boy, Brendan"...."Mommy, Brigid signed her own interims and told her teacher you were in Bolivia getting liposuction. Here are her last 6 report cards charting her descent in to juvenile delinquency. Oh, and I included the secret AOL address she is using to write all of her friends that you are, and I quote, 'a fucking hobag.' I love you, Brendan."

1. As we got older, Brendan and I developed a really great relationship with our parents. It became more about being a family instead of kids vs adults. We laughed a lot and told fun stories and enjoyed each other's company. So much so, sometimes Brendan and I would share things we had done in our younger days with our parents in a 'look what we got away with!' kind of way. Fun for everyone, right? Eh. Debatable.

A few years after high school, Brendan shared with my parents that pretty much any time he was left alone in our house in Virginia, he had people over. Didn't matter if my parents were gone for 2 days or 20 minutes. Brendan could assemble a mob quickly, drink my parents' alcohol and pretend to be sick when they returned and found him bleary-eyed & pale and get away with it. OH HILARITY, THY NAME IS GOLDEN CHILD. My parents laughed for centuries.

I do not like to be topped so I decided to reveal a bit of truth behind one of my more wacky evenings. In high school, I was at a party and backed my parents' Chevy Blazer in to another car as we had been told the cops were coming. This all happened while screaming "WE NEED TO GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE NOW!" This was not a ding that could be buffed out with a Shamwow. I got out, assessed the damage, felt waves of Catholic guilt....and then I got the fuck outta there.

The next day, I told my parents that I - being the designated driver (90% true....2 shots of tequila don't count, right?) - was driving my very inebriated friends home, they were so loud and wild in the car and I was focusing SO HARD, DAD that I hit a fire hydrant in my friend's yard. My parents were pissed but not Serial Killer Face mad, and so I had to contribute some cash to fix up the Blazer and that was that. Mental high five.

HILARIOUS, RIGHT? DEFINITELY tops Brendan's lame "I used to have people over to the house" story, RIGHT? Wrong.

My mother started screaming at me about how this act was, in fact, a felony and she always knew I was up to no good shit with my friends and Christ knows that if I did this - AFELONYBRIGID!! - what else I had done. She started saying that Brendan, while "naughty" (her words), was never a fucking sociopath like myself. Enter the phrase "GODDAMMITBRIGID" times 78,000 and that was our evening.

And there was Brendan....smirking in the corner....probably writing a note to our mother:
"Dear Mommy, Brigid IS a sociopath and by the way, in high school she hit a parked car in the school parking lot and told the woman her name was Ally Sheedy because she had watched 'Breakfast Club' the night before and it was all she could think of. You know all this now because 6 months after the incident happened, the woman managed to track Brigid down, call you and tell her what a lying fucktard your daughter is which resulted in Brigid coming home from school one day and was caught unaware as you beat her fucking ass the minute she walked inside. That was a glorious day for me. I just wanted you to know that while you tore Brigid up, I invited 18 people over and we drank homemade moonshine up in my bedroom. I love you, Brendan."

I miss you, Dummy. Reading the above, I don’t know why. But I miss you. Hurry home, bitch.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Team

For Maureen - 5 years cancer free! You phased cancer out like you threatened to phase Molly out back in the day.

I am lucky to have fantastic friends. Like, really fantastic. One such group is The Team. We have known each other since high school and I have actually known two of them since I was 6. We'z be tight. We can also fight like ghetto ass street thugs, and I have been known to be upset and tell others that whoever I am mad at used to be a man.

We've been there for the usual rigamarole: breakups, make ups, weddings with 17 feet of hair extensions, "is my boyfriend gay?" moments (for the record, Julie - he was) and vomiting all over your mother's newly painted kitchen (sorry about that, Tara). This past Saturday was a big celebration, however, as Maureen has been cancer free for 5 amazing years. Our goal was to be wild, OK? So we did what the Team does best - we got fucking crazy.

Great Moment Number 1: We walk up to the bar's entrance and I flash my ID for the bouncer. I am thinking, "ah, the old days. Holla - no cover charge because we are sexy as shit Here comes THE TEAM, BITCHES!" Well no, there was no cover charge because we were there before 9pm and the bouncer looked at my ID and said, "have a nice evening, MA'AM."

We enter and - holy crap - it is CROWDED. Who are all these....children? That girl needs a coat! Drinks cost WHAT? It was shocking. Our friend, Julie, waves from the back and we head towards her. Guys are looking at Julie - which is totally normal. But they keep double taking because not only is Julie hot, bitch be pregnant. Considering girls are wandering around this establishment with their vaginas in the breeze, Jules' 7 months along belly gets some glances but you can also see their consensus: I'd still hit that. Julie's husband, oddly, was proud.

Great Moment Number 2: Tap, tap on my shoulder and I turn around and find myself looking at some homeless kids. Well, they were dressed like that. "So, do you like this song?" Really? That's what we're going with? I said, "no, it sounds like Eurotrash. It sounds like Chumbawumba." Confused look. "Like Ace of Base....Boyzone." Blank stares. I realize they are roughly 22 and I should not be talking to them without a lawyer present.

More drinks. By this point, Jessie has taken 67 pictures of the two of us sitting on a barstool while we watched a girl rip off her sheer leopard print top (oh honey, fashion offense) and mount what I believe was a legal midget right in front of us. At first, I thought she was attacking him as her jaw unhinged and she basically ate his face off. Then I realized, dear God, it's a bar makeout session. I haven't witnessed one of these in years! The usual agreement for such instances is feigning casual indifference while sneaking occasional looks. But guess what? We're old now so we pulled up bar stools and blatantly watched with our mouths open. I don't know if this poor guy was being initiated in to a gang but he got his ass kicked. He tried to be sexy and gently push her up against a wall. Leopard Girl THREW him against a wall and continued to behave like the secret to eternal youth was deep in his throat.

This became the perfect time to whip out a little something Jessie & I snuck in inside her purse. Roofies? Cigarettes? No. Hot dogs. Bar food is pricey, and I knew I would get some drinks in me and need some carbs. So we stuck some hot dogs in to Jessie's purse. And ate them. In the bar. Yes, people stared but it was out of JEALOUSY and mental kicks to themselves of "why am I not that CLEVER?"

Great Moment Number 3: Maureen's younger brother joins us and brings with him 4 guys that smell like Chinese food. I immediately want some spring rolls. I am told "you're pretty hot....(FUCK YES).....for an old chick." I say that I am equal parts flattered & horrified but refuse to let a comment by a grown man wearing track pants AND A CHUCK NORRIS T-SHIRT bring me down.

Great Moment Number 4: Being hot & old & bitter, I need to do something that boosts my ego and, luckily I have stupid friends that continually drop their shit everywhere. Enter: Maureen's cell phone. I select random guys and begin texting them. Dave L. gets to read the text "I'm horny". Eric receives "I have a yeast infection." James opens "do you like bukaki?" Jessie and I think this is HILARIOUS and begin singing along to whatever god-awful song is playing with the chorus: "we fancy....yeah, we fancy. We fancy, yeah."

At this point, ummmmmm, we lose Maureen's cell phone. Whoopsie. I mean, I tossed it on the bar. It had to be safe there, right? Notsomuch. This leads to a 45 minute ordeal of Maureen wanting to shut down the bar, body scan every one inside and then finding out I had been texting random guys.....well, nuclear explosions are kinder. But MIRACLE - after many repeated calls to Maureen's phone, someone answers! Maureen's college friend, Jenny, begins the following monologue: "THIS IS THE STATE POLICE, YOU WHORE! BRING THAT PHONE BACK! I AM THE POLICE! YOU BRING IT BACK HERE TO THE STATE POLICE NOW, WHORE!" The best part? 90% of this is slurred. And the person on the other end of the line is slurring & crying. Maureen speaks to a responsible party on the line (i.e. a less drunk person) and announces, "we need to go to Georgetown!"

Um, no. By now, lights are on in the bar, it's closing time, I need more hot dogs & to properly remove my makeup and apply my anti-aging regime. I believe my helpful, understanding declaration to Maureen was "we are not going to fucking Georgetown for your fucking phone!" In most cases, this would be cause for a full out war but Mo is too overjoyed to have her phone (somewhat) found and so she grabs a manager who had been helping us who is sporting a full set of braces AND RUBBER BANDS and screams, "YOU GUYS, THIS IS DAMENICA'S DAD!" Holy shit. No one gives a crap about Damenica or her dad because I'm too busy trying to get Jessie to stop caressing the bouncer who is telling us "ladies, you need to'am, stop touching'am, grab your friend and go." Even me telling him that we are fancy and have hot dogs is not enough to assuage his annoyance.

We stumble out in to the night and pile ourselves in to Maureen's car (with a sober driver who greatly wanted us to shut the fuck up). Jessie begins yelling that my coat's fur hood is exasperating her allergies. Jenny says her feet hurt. Maureen is plotting her phone's retrieval for the following day complete with night vision goggles and calling 5 of us to let us know her whereabouts at all times. I realize - We. Are. Old.

This stellar evening ends with me sharing a bed with Jessie for about the 827th time in our lives while we cram chili dip in to our faces and continue to talk about how motherfucking fancy we are.

Goodbye & good riddance, Cancer. You were never a welcome Team member. Kinda like Lebanese chicks. Yet another Team mission accomplished.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Why Do I Talk To People?

INTENT: Find coworker in crowd of people & congratulate him on the birth of his new child.

DELIVERY: "Well hey there Big Daddy!"

Everyone silent & staring.


CONCLUSION: You are the office whore.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Everybody Poops...Just Not In Their Van

This blog post is brought to you by the letter in 'violated.' Could I use it in a sentence? Sure.

"My husband violated my trust by relaying the below story to a room full of people this past weekend thus ensuring two things: 1) I wanted to violate his face off and 2) until further notice, Pat can violate himself in the shower."

WARNING: if bathroom humor/issues are not your thing, walk away.

WARNING: I am SERIOUS. If I receive one email about how gross & horrible I am, I will pay your vehicle a visit. And trust me, after reading what's below - YOU DO NOT WANT THAT TO HAPPEN. You have been warned.

Motherhood has brought me some amazing revelations: I never knew I was capable of loving little drunk midgets so mightily, I am more patient than I ever thought possible, eating PlayDoh, dog food & nickels will not kill you and......carrying people around in your uterus - even small ones - really fucks up your innards.

Some of you have seen my minivan. It is littered with car seats. This is obviously because I am carting around no less than 72 babes daily. Drop offs & pick ups are the bane of my existence at this point. I am, however, prepared because I play the "What If....?" game. What if Sawyer rips the knees out of his pants? What if Dylan & I are stuck in traffic and it's dinnertime? I always have extra snacks, water, diapers, wipes & clothes on hand. Bitch, I am READY.

One scenario that did not make the "What If...?" list: what if Mama's pregnancy-destroyed insides start acting up and there is a van full of kids? Really should've seen that one coming.


Dylan was in preschool and Sawyer was still at an in-home daycare thus my two morning drop offs were always a clusterfuck of "WHERE ARE YOUR SHOES? We are NOT bringing the Schibbies to school!", etc. I would guzzle coffee, throw the boys in the van and tear down Route 7....every, single day.

I had successfully dropped off Dylan one morning and was in the process of delivering Sawyer when my body said, "oh girl, things are about to get fuckin' crazy up in here!" Bent over, tears running down my face and the soundtrack to Pocohontas blaring in the backseat, I realized I was not going to make it to the nearest bathroom (which, let's note, was not in my own home but would have to have been a chain restaurant or a church - yes, I've done that).

I swerved the van in to a parking lot still unsure of what was about to happen. In the beginning, I think my plan was to go in to a diaper. And NO PEOPLE, this was not something I thought was OK or NORMAL or NO BIG DEAL. I'm crying, cramping & thinking of calling my lawyer friends to see if going 'big pottys' (as we call it at our house) in your own vehicle is illegal. Then I see it......a plastic bag that we have stored for "What If.....?" Scenario Number 16: What if a child shits up the back and we need to toss clothes somewhere? This brave plastic bag would now serve a higher purpose.

I'm not going to go in to details here, guys. But here is what I WILL tell you: this is happening - motherfucker, THIS IS HAPPENING - and I'm in the back of my van while my almost two year old son is in his car seat saying the following: "No caca. NO MAMA NO. Seesaw no caca. MAMA CACA. Ewwwwwwww. SMELL. SMELL. NO CACA, MAMA!"

I still have yet to work out who is more scarred from this event: me, Sawyer or the Transformer that was in the back seat with me. Sorry, Optimus Prime. I salute you for maintaining eye contact with me and never flinching.

Once this task was accomplished and I began mentally setting aside cash for Sawyer's therapy, I - being efficient & fastidious - wrapped everything up really tight.......and threw it in to the woods while I prayed, "don't let someone find that and decide to run DNA on it."

I would like to say that was the end of that. Sadly, no. One bout of shameful van shitting was not enough to slam my colon closed during drives. It has happened once or twice since the first time. And again, this is not something that I PLAN or RELISH. But when it's pouring down rain, you have two or three sick kids in a car and your ass is screaming, "Chipotle wants to say hi again!" you do what you need to do, OK?

The below happened on Saturday night. My beloved, my partner, my husband got drunk and started running his mouthhole about my butthole. My 'friends' (this is still being debated) found my intestinal issues to be hilarious instead of recognizing that I need to be tested for colitis or an uncloseable colon. One of these so-called friends tucked a plastic bag in to my jeans. Whatever, dicks. I said "hello, old friend. Stick around. I'm going to put you in my van for later use."

The bottom-line? Sometimes shit happens......and sometimes it is happening in my van while my kids cry and "The Incredibles" is playing.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Always Listening, Folks - The Wednesday Email

For those unfamiliar with the Wednesday Email - these are actual emails I send to my colleagues each & every Wednesday in an attempt to get them to send me project information. Polite, perfunctory requests did not work but getting them to laugh always guarantees a reply.

Gang - welcome to 2011! It's a whole new year and a fresh start for all. That doesn't mean I will forget some of the best moments of 2010 I've had here. Below is a list of my favorite conversations and/or quotes that were actually said during the year.

"I cannot be expected to remember what I did last month."
Of course not, how silly of me. Why don't you go take a nap? You've earned it.

"You know what I learned today? You are Brigid AND Brie! You're ONE PERSON NOT TWO!
Can I get paid like I am two people?

"That's not my job." - August 2010
"That's not my job." - November 2010
"That's not my job." - December 2010
This, by the way, has become my favorite drinking game.

"I can't come to this meeting - THE VISIGOTHS ARE DOWNSTAIRS!"
This may or may not have been said by me.

Person: I'm looking for Asheesh.
Brie: I'm going to need a bit more information than that.
Person: He's Indian.
Brie: Okkkkkk, I meant his last name or department but let's see what the address book can help us with.
Whoa! Look at all those Asheeshs!
Person: Which one of them in Indian?
Brie: Wow.

Brie: Good morning, I'm going to need you to review and approv -
Person: Approved.
Brie: You haven't even looked at the docu -
Person: Approved.
Brie: You don't even know what I'm going to -
Person: Fine. Good. Done. Approved.

"I'm so sorry I have to cancel this meeting last minute. I'm incontinent."
Spellcheck wins again….at least, I hope so.

"It's snowing. Can you bring my laptop to my house?"
Note: NO ONE brought the laptop to the house. We've all seen episodes of 'Law & Order: SVU' start like that.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Flo Rida

Most of you are aware we fled NoVA for some glorious holiday times in Florida.This was the boys after TSA gave us a thorough pat down and tested Logan's water (I kept insisting it wasn't vodka..."that is NOT what we are checking for, ma'am").

Then we arrived. Enter My Parents -
Here's what you need to know about my family - we are ghetto.....but in a classy, sorta Jay- Z way. You know Jay-Z: he's kinda hood but likes 400 thread count sheets and collecting Hummel figurines. Well, that's actually Krissy, my mom, but you get the idea. Example 1: my mother is an amazing cook. AMAZING. For Christmas dinner, we had beef tenderloin, creamed leeks, grated potatoes & cheese and drinks galore all laid out at an immaculately set table with name cards and candles. Then we got a call from Brendan who tells us that the film crew has told him they have never heard another person on the planet swear as much as him. This destroys my Catholic, holy, sainted mother who screams, "that fucker! They are going to have to bleep every fucking thing he says on TV!" while waving around her Waterford wine glass.

Note: you will not see many pics of Krissy/Meemaw as she feels a photo steals your soul. Or is that vampires? Whatever, they're basically the same.
Example 2: Meet Trainwreck, my dad's boat...and I use that term lightly. Trainwreck was purchased so my dad could do work on the dock (another loosely used term) and not worry about damaging a pricey investment in the process. Do you like that Trainwreck is tied to the dock with no less than 19 ropes....because someone might steal it, Bucket? Because you want to train my children to be aerialists?

See - ghetto....but classy.
Here's a breakdown of each of our big Florida events:
Jesus, take the wheel. This kid ate another tooth. Yes - another because he ate his first loose tooth...and while in Florida he ate his second. He found it hilarious and it didn't help matters that Bucket was laughing like a loon. I gave Dylan a choice - he could either stop eating his teeth & get braces when he is older (and with the way Pat & I looked as buck toothed teens, he will need it) OR I will purchase him a colonic machine that will assist him in monthly tooth loss recovery. Choose wisely, my son.

This fucker ate Miracle Grow from under my mother's couch one day. Miracle Grow. He walked up to me and mumbled, "Mama, my face hurts" and his teeth are covered in chalky blue shit and his breath smells like a goddamn Meadow's Farm Nursery. I freak out. I jam my finger in to his mouth and rub the blue shit all over my finger...then rub it in to my own mouth. Pat is screaming, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I apparently feel like my mouth is a mass spectrometer and could tell me what the substance was. I did get a nice burning sensation in the back of my throat. Don't worry - mojitoes cured it, and Sawyer lived through the night and will never eat Miracle Grow again since Meemaw made him say a rosary and learn about saints that were martyred by being forced to eat shit found under couches.

This child climbed right in to my heart while we were in Florida. I oozed love and adoration for her as she would sleep until 9am every damn day. It was bliss. Then she would fuel up by eating 1 piece of candy from each of the 89 candy dishes that my mother has casually distributed throughout the house and re-enact The Exorcist: The Sugar High Cast Out.

Obviously this picture gives evidence to the fact that during my holiday in Florida, I did a lot of half marathon training, read some novels and crocheted. WHATEVER IDIOTS. I drank & napped my face off! This lovely moment was caught by Pat when he was taking my picture and was saying, "I love you, I love Christmas, I love our family" and I'm thinking "Jesus Christ, can't you see my ice is low? Ugh."

So this is my dad's car. Pat swears he & the car have "a connection." Pat finds any & all opportunities to take that car out and his most used line in Florida is "I have to go run some errands." What are those errands? I have no idea but if my mother wanted Tampons & an anal bleaching kit, Pat Jenkins would be out in that car full force to fulfill those needs.

Flo Rida Part 2: The Boat Ride & Schmutte Bonfuego