Monday, November 22, 2010

Worth the Second Post Today

Came home from St. Joe after baking bread with Dylan's class for their Thanksgiving feast. It was so fun, he & I decided to bake another loaf just for us. We got everything together, put it in to the oven and let the smell of warm pumpkin bread fill the house. He & I went outside and my heart was so full watching him run around playing with the dogs. Like below -

I ran inside to get my camera as I wanted to capture this wonderful moment with my oldest. I grabbed my camera, took one pic and was told "memory card full" which is so weird since our card should hold 8 million photos. I start going through the card and find about 60 pictures of this -

In case you are wondering, this is Otto's penis. Paging back through the photos it was obvious that at some point during his Bucket-monitored tonsil removal recovery, Dylan had gotten ahold of my camera. And taken some photos. Of the dog's junk. I did find 3 of the inside of Dylan's mouth and 2 of just his shoe. I guess I should be grateful he was just experimenting with photography and not slinging crack rock.