Monday, June 7, 2010

Talented By Association

We all have talented friends. I just happen to think I have more than most. I am always blown away by their endless abilties - to show their love through cooking, to make me laugh until I forget about that squirrel I ran over, to bring me back to 4th grade and the strong ties that were apparent even then, to care for my children as if they were their own or, in this case, to style me up couture-style and take some killer pictures.

Oh hello there. Why, do you see that random taco stand? I do...and I look fan-bloody-tastic staring at it.

Jessica Marty is a amazing stylist who is standing up JEM Styling. Need help with your wardrobe? Done. Need some new outfits to make you feel good post-baby? Done. Need her to throw away countless tops while screaming, "you are 31...are you hearing me? Are you a hooker?" That can also be done but maybe that was just for my experience. Jessica and her phenomenal sense of fashion can be found on Facebook and her soon-to-be-bangin' website. You're already sold on her, I know, but it must also be said she is a truly supportive and great friend who can make guacamole like nobody's business.

So, you've got the clothes covered. Who will take your picture and make you feel pretty and all Gisele-like? That would be Lisa Sinclair - Lisa takes pictures. Duh. BUT she takes pictures and caputures you as a person and your own personality. Nothing is forced and it becomes about feeling fun & relaxed rather than stiff poses. Even better - she can take wonderful pictures of your children and freeze those moments of infancy and toddler-hood in time. Also awesome about Lisa? Her laugh. It's contagious and sincere - just like her.

So the bottom-line here is this: my friends are forces to be reckoned with in their areas of expertise. Be like me and exploit the hell out your relationship with them while riding on their coattails to fame and recognition.


Tierney M.

Brie -

I saw all of those pictures on FB and they are truly amazing! You look gorgeous!!!


Lisa Sinclair

Aw, you are too sweet. And too smoking hot. My laugh isn't contagious, it's annoying and that is why you laugh when I do.