Sunday, June 13, 2010

Say WHAAAA - Sunday

Dylan and I were enjoying a fun, relaxing time on our deck this afternoon. I filled up the small pool, Sawyer and Lo were napping and I was relishing in spending solo time with my eldest. Until.....I heard this:
"Mama, gimme a pretzel."

I said "Dylan, that was rude as you are eating a popsicle right now and don't need a pretzel AND you didn't say please."

Dylan thinks for a minute. I'm hoping he is offering up a Hail Mary for the souls in purgatory due to poor manners. Not so. His response - "if you don't give me a pretzel, I'm going to put this popsicle on my tinker."

I ponder this threat over and say, "I don't give a shit. Go ahead."

Bluff called.

Dylan says, "I'm sorry, Mama. I'm not going to do that." And we returned to our sunny Sunday.


Lisa Sinclair

HAHHAHA!! Love it. Ben has had a case of the rudeness the past few weeks too. If only he would offer such consequential threats!