Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cincinnati Extravaganza

We thoroughly enjoyed our trip home to Ohio this past weekend to welcome home Uncle Brendan! Well, the boys were more concerned with tractor rides and eating out of the 31 candy dishes Meemaw has around her house, but seeing Uncle Brendan & Amy was definitely a bonus! But first things first...it's nekkid time around the pool!

After a few hours of peeing in the woods and evening out their tans, the boys wanted a snack. Imagine that - Meemaw miraculously pulls popsicles from some magic, bottomless refrigerator and voila! All is well!
Finally, the thing the boys were waiting for......TRACTOR RIDES!

Dylan also became fascinated with his big wheel - though cool it was definitely NOT as cool as the Knight Rider big wheel Mama & Uncle Brendan had to share as kids.
Saturday all the family came over and we had a blast! Dada got to drink and pretend he was a real German, Mama fed the baby by eating 8 plates of food, and the boys, who were dressed in nice clothes at the start of the evening, showed everyone their true personalities by disrobing 20 minutes into the gathering.

<---- This is Sawyer with his cousins Jack & Katelyn Dollries and Jayden Otto. Can you tell which one is Sawyer? I will give you a hint: he is not wearing clothes.

Uncle Brendan & Amy looked wonderful. It was fantastic seeing Amy after so many years. Last time I saw her was her 8th grade graduation and she was probably making Brendan cry by refusing to slow dance with him. We love her a lot!
We loved seeing all of our family!



OMG - the boys are going to kill you one day for posting their butts on the web! Love it! BTW - can I come on the next family trip???


Dylan and Sawyer -- You all look like you had a great time with your family. We love that you all want to be naked all the time, it is just so typically boys.


Dear Dylan and Sawyer, Someday when you are old enough, I will help you get revenge for the naked web postings. Your mom forgets I had a camera at Jackie Suehr's 8th grade trampoline party. Hint: toe touches and umbros.


There was so much peeing in the woods going on that we now have trees dying. I think Brie joined in at one point when she balked at climbing the stairs up to the house. I've never seen so much candy eaten in such a short period of time. Six little rug rats, all under the age of five, demolished seven bowls of M&M's and Hershey Miniatures in a three hour time span. And then they went on to eat dinner on top of that! Best quote of the evening came from Angie Otto. "For my thirtieth birthday I got knew kitchen appliances. My best friend got new boobs. And what I really wanted was liposuction." Seems like a combo surgical procedure would have worked well for everyone.

We sure miss Dylan and Sawyer. It was sad to restow their car seats in the carraige house today.