Monday, August 11, 2008


#3 makes a very long legged appearance via a sonogram from this morning! All necessities are present - legs, arms, brain, head and Pat even said, "look at the baby's face!" and the technician said, "that's the baby's bladder." We were thrilled to see our newest addition healthy and vibrant and kicking up a storm. I think we have the craziest one in utero. I am quite scared.

The boys have been very sweet lately in giving each other a lot of hugs and kisses. What this picture does not capture, however, is the body slam that occurred 4 seconds after this was taken. Sawyer is quite strong.

We are also enjoying a visit from Bucket right now! The boys are thrilled to have him (and his Big Truck) here....especially since Bucket introduced them to pudding cups tonight.



OK, I am so excited and also so JEALOUS of new grandbaby looks like "she/he" is ready to play soccer!


What a great sonogram picture. We can't wait to find out what little #3 is. Dylan and Sawyer, you all look like you are having a great time together.


Aw, HUGS!! I love those Jenkins boys.


your parents are going to be absolutely in 7th heaven. Lucky ducks. Enjoy the journey. So much fun. x

check out "my" babies... ; )

Quinn Sawyer and Cole Sebastion, they warm my heart.