Friday, August 6, 2010


Meemaw is in town which means two things - 1) lots of hugs and 2) dinners that look like this:

"I just made something light!"......not that we are complaining.
Logan Grace continues to mesmerize and enchant us all with her deep belly laugh, her gorgeous blond curls and oh yes - her bitchface. See Exhibit A - What the hell is this face?! Note the finely chipped tooth Lo inflicted upon herself while trying to participate in Older Brother Play. Please be aware this face is made when she is told NO. "No, Logan. Do not pull on the dog's tail. No, Logan. Do not try to drink my beer. NO LOGAN! YOU ARE NOT ONLY EATING GARLIC BREAD FOR DINNER!" Girl is gonna need Botox & veneers by the time she is 10. Start saving, Bucket!
Moving onward, my sons are wild animals. No one will argue with that statement. However, they are also so smart and have their moments are innocent adorableness like this - Ohhhhhh, look at the precious brothers reading together. How smart. How very Hooked on Phonics. How.....wait, is that the Victoria's Secret sale catalog? It is. Pat high five'd them both and was most proud when Dylan said, "can I sleep with this, Mama?"



Logan's so adorable! And the Botox and veneers line made me laugh real hard. Actually, I once joked to my husband (when he was still my fiance) that he should save up for veneers. Las Vegas dentists offer them and I said that I'm planning to get them when we're married.

Turned out, he actually did save up! He confessed a year after when I opened up about lumineers. Las Vegas was where we celebrated our anniversary, and he surprised me with a bag full of cash. It was for my veneers! But I told him to keep it for future use instead. Aah, what fine memories.