Sunday, May 17, 2009


"Are  y'alls serious? We's gets to go to the Air Show at Andrews Air Force Base today? Oh hells yeah!"
"Wait...we gotta be good and stick together and hold hands? Well cripes, I didn't sign up for this touchy feely junk."
"Holllllllly sheeeeeeeeeet - big, dog gone aeroplanies AND NASCAR?! My daddy just done and died!" 
(EDITOR'S NOTE: we told Sawyer if he didn't get with the program and behave, his butt would be sitting in a jump seat on the way to Dubai)
"Well doggone, that was a good day! And a special thanks to Tio Jose for holding the umbrella when our mama had to feed baby Logan on the cement ground in front of a space shuttle moonbounce. That is friendship, homey."



Looks like you all had an awesome time. Maybe next year we will join you. Cars and planes, you can't beat that.