Sunday, September 28, 2008

Marty Party Month

The Marty family loves to cram their entire family's birthdays into a small window. We are not complaining because it always means a warm meal and cake for us! We recently celebrated Luccas' 1st birthday as well as Daniel's 2nd and Fran's 50th. How thrilling!
The birthday boy, and our godson, Daniel! Fran & Carla had a fire truck and an ambulance show up for entertainment!
Seesaw enjoys driving the firetruck.

The fireman asked if Sawyer wanted to wrestle. Mistake. Sawyer, by this time, was fueled up by 2 lbs of Mexican dip and Now & Laters candy.

Dylan, Matthew & Daniel patiently waiting for their turn to wail on the pinata.

Daniel winds it up for some candy!

The Big Boys Club - holla!
Poor Luccas Poocas. He is surely wondering, "why is this stoned man holding me? Who entrusted my care to him?"

Elliana is a shrewd businesswoman. She arranged all of her pinata candy (BY BRAND) and started enticing the boys to come over and barter with her. Of course, Dylan was first as he loves two things - candy & Elliana (probably in that order)'s over.

Thank you to Jose & Jessica and Carla & Fran for some wonderful parties (and food!).

*Note: there are no pictures of Mama as no one needs to see her sweaty, round and eating food like a hyena. Hey, #3 requires a lot of carbohydrates.



Dylan -- You are too funny. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Thanks for sharing.