Thursday, February 11, 2010

Guess What?

Yesterday was Lo's 1st birthday. It was an emotional day as Mama cried a lot realizing her baby is barely a baby anymore and Logan cried a lot....well, because she has Hand, Foot & Mouth disease and is covered in sores. After bath time - which took longer than usual since Miss L was covered in chocolate her EAR - I was folding laundry and I heard Sawyer in Logan's room. He was standing by her crib and says to her, "Guess what? I love you!" Well, I could barely continue functioning. I started to cry and was so grateful that my children are kind to one another, truly care for each other and can be friends as well as siblings.

Then I heard this: "Guess what else? I farted."




So sweet and so hilarious. Happy Birthday Logan and we hope you feel better soon. Thanks HF&M is awful!