Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sometimes you have a hard day at work or preschool. And sometimes you deserve a reward. Maybe something along the lines of a pedicure or a bowl of ice cream after dinner. Or maybe something like this -

So after a long day of trips to Richmond (Mama) and eating glitter (boys) and throwing sassy, hard-to-get looks at Mason (Lo), we opted to treat ourselves to some IHOP. Melissa and Owen met us there and thus began an Eat-A-Thon.

Mel sat slack-jawed in horror as she watched my children demolish 9 pancakes, 8 strips of bacon, 6 eggs and cup after cup of milk. I think she was most blown away by Miss Logan Times who double fisted with eggs & pancakes. During the meal, Owen said, "B, B - dat, dat" which translated in to he wanted some of my bacon. Mel didn't even get to finish the sentence, "oh he doesn't like bacon" and Owen had eaten 2 strips. Take that, Mom.

Fully satisfied, we parted ways. On the way home Sawyer says, "Owen and I are friends. We like to laugh & eat bacon." Truer words were never spoken as that is the basis of mine and Melissa's 20+ years of friendship.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Gone Local

Most of you know that Amy & Brendan have settled happily in San Diego and have found a fantastic house to call their own. It was a difficult task as Jakers is very particular about where he will sleep.

While thrilled for them, we just can't help but think that Brendan & Mohawk have embraced the West Coast style a bit too much.
Obviously your Chanel necklace should only be paired with evening wear. Everyone knows that, Bryn. Duh.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Jenkins Brothers

It would be great if my sons grew up to be international super star pop icons like, say, the Jonas Brothers. Money, fame, purity rings - bring it on!

Umm, however - I don't think I want them playing football like the Jonas Brothers. Honestly, child - bend those needs, reach with your whole body not just your arms. Sheesh. I'm glad Taylor Swift wrote a song about your cheating self.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Five years ago today, we welcomed The Tickle in to our family.

He changed us all for the better - made us better parents, a better family, better people.

Happy birthday to our oldest boy - the best big brother - Mr. Arts & Crafts and someone who I hopes gets over his obsession with the word "fart".

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Guess What?

Yesterday was Lo's 1st birthday. It was an emotional day as Mama cried a lot realizing her baby is barely a baby anymore and Logan cried a lot....well, because she has Hand, Foot & Mouth disease and is covered in sores. After bath time - which took longer than usual since Miss L was covered in chocolate her EAR - I was folding laundry and I heard Sawyer in Logan's room. He was standing by her crib and says to her, "Guess what? I love you!" Well, I could barely continue functioning. I started to cry and was so grateful that my children are kind to one another, truly care for each other and can be friends as well as siblings.

Then I heard this: "Guess what else? I farted."


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

LGJ Year 1

Happy 1st birthday to the prettiest girl in the whole wide world!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Snowmeggedon 2010

So....what's everyone doing this weekend?