Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hello, September

We bid adieu to August and welcome September and it's beautiful weather! Aw, who am I kidding? Bring on September because I can tolerate the cooler winds while I sit on my deck and drink beer while my sons dig up my flower beds. Let's keep it real.
We have enjoyed many visits from Elliana and Luccas. Elliana is always the Best Big Sister Ever and likes to feed and hold Logan. I can't wait until Elli is 7 years old because she can babysit then, right? That's legal, right?
The boys have enjoyed their summer program at school and now face a seriously hard academic year filled with yoga, pinecone birdfeeders and letters that start with 'p'. I think we're screwed because I asked Sawyer how old he was this week and he said, "S". Well, hell.
On a financial note, maybe it's best that summer is almost Dylan has worn out the toes of his Croc shoes (oh, Meemaw.....) and Sawyer keeps wearing his Robin belt everywhere (oh, therapy.....).