Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving, Homey!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Jenkins Family! We are currently enjoying a thuggish-ruggish holiday complete with gangsta winter hats from Target - holla! Thank you to all our wonderful friends & family for their support and love, especially towards our 2 (soon-to-be 3) children.

Mama also had to include a photo of her turkey - her first ever to be made without her own mommy! We're sure Kris/Mom/Meemaw is proud but surely shaking her head in disappointment as us sporting a foil roasting dish instead of some family heirloom which has lovingly housed many a Schmutte/Otto turkey. Well guess what? I didn't want more crap to we're just going to let the dogs lick this foil thing clean. Happy Thanksgiving!



Great hats! You guys look so cool, we want to join your crew. Your mommy's turkey looks wonderful. Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!