Almost since Day 1, these two have recognized that they are brothers and, therefore, share a special bond that can be found no where else.
They wrestle, fight, make up, bitchslap, tackle, hug, share food, steal food, play nice, play not-so-nice, play like asylum escapees - but they do it all Together. However, their favorite game has to be Torture Our Parents. And, damn, they are good at it.
Last night at dinner, Dylan said "Mama, Dada said we could eat Japanese food tomorrow night out a restaurant."I glare at Pat as restaurant eating roughly translates in to: pricey meals that end up on the ground and one child always finds a knife or eats a sugar packet.
Pat says, "No, I did NOT say that, Dylan!"
*Cue Dylan giving Sawyer a somewhat sly message of: attempt not going well - engage Target.
Sawyer says, "No one was talking to you, Dada."
Oh. Well, hell.
At least they are attempting to manipulate us Together and I'll take teamwork in any shape or form.